Who am I?

I am a tech enthusiast who loves solving problems through technology.

My name is Uche Ofia. I am a software/devops engineer, data analyst and a Microsoft Excel specialist. I specialize on the backend, and I work with programing languages like Python, C and Rust. I am very adept at creating APIs and writing SQL queries. I love debugging and optimizing code to run efficiently while being readable and maintainable.

I have over 9 years of experience as a freelancer working with Excel. I also have over 6 years of experience working as a graphics designer and video editor. I also work with Blender to create 3D designs. Every day, I learn new things, and I believe that learning never stops. I welcome AI and believe it is a tool to enhance my productivity, not replace me.


More about me?

I was born at a very young age, lol. I've been using computers for over 15 years. I know a lot about computers and how they work. I was born and schooled in Nigeria. Pursued a B. Eng. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. I spent many years volunteering for different organizations, and I did different computer jobs. This enabled me to gather a lot of skills in different computer software. I also worked as a secretary (keeping records and performing calculations) using MS Excel. I have multiple certifications in different tech stacks ranging from web development to data analytics. In 2023, I enrolled in the ALX Software Engineering online program, to increase my software skills. I worked in the different media departments, and we created designs for social media. I've done many web design and scripting projects using Python and its frameworks like FastAPI.

Whenever I have free time, I love to play video games. I play all genre of video games from sports games (PES) to online multiplayer (COD Mobile, Asphalt), fighting games and Souls Bourne games (Dark Souls, Sekiro). I'm also passionate about 3D art, and so I use Blender to create still renders and animations.


Open To Work

At the moment, I am open to working on web development or software projects. Recently I have been coding a lot in Python and C (I am also learning Rust), so I would like to work on projects that involve any of those languages. I have a lot of experience on IT related matters, and I know how to diagnose most computer issues (especially software related). You could say I know a little of everything, nevertheless, some of my main skills include: DevOps (web hosting, server management, deployment, domain management, etc.), data analytics (Excel, SQL, Python), Python development (scripting, automation) and graphics design (posters and logos).

I'm also a seller on Fiverr. Check out my profile below.


What I do

Every day I strive to learn something new, and so I never stop learning.


I create REST APIs using Python and its frameworks like FastAPI and Flask.

Testing and Debugging

I test and debug code to ensure it meets the requirements and is free of bugs.

Database Management

I create and manage databases using SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Scripting & Automation

I write scripts to automate tasks and processes using Python, Bash and other scripting languages.

Web Hosting & DevOps

I deploy web applications to servers and manage them using tools like Nginx, HAProxy and Docker.

Problem Solver

Regarding any matter, I try to find the quickest and most efficient ways to accomplish tasks and optimize solutions.

I can be reached via LinkedIn, email or phone.

+234 903 181 3252 -|- cofucan@gmail.com